Monday, October 22, 2012

mason jars.


the uses for mason jars are endless. literally endless. today I thrifted a bunch, six medium sized and two large. I had a long hard day today. usually I'm pretty good about putting a positive spin on things...but today was long and it was hard...tomorrow will be better. I needed a pick me up this evening when I got home so I made myself a green smoothie. I can't control everything and things won't always go as planned, but I can control what I feed my body and that makes me feel good. oh and just so you know...smoothies taste better when you drink them out of a jar (use #1). were you aware?

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Sunday, October 21, 2012



today I baked pumpkin seeds. I loved the smell of the pumpkin when I first cut it open, the feel of the gooey insides, and the taste of the seasoned seeds hot out of the oven. I love fall and all of the little seeds that come with it.

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Sunday, October 14, 2012



although we're only half way in, October is and has been one of the best months I've had in a long time. in these short fourteen days I have been offered, accepted and started a new job position which will lead to a career that I've always wanted (and always regretted not pursuing). this has been a month of change. a month of self discovery and hard decisions. in short it has been a month to remember. the month I made a change.


change is good. when it is a much needed change it is great.